Follow Microsurvey Support Hub

Microsurvey Support group is for  MicroSurvey users in the field and office. This group is for discussions and tutorials related to Microsurvey products. LSU is not directly affiliated with MS- all logos and imagery are copyright of their respective owners.

34 Microsurvey Surveyors
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MicroSurvey CAD - Upgrade Tour 2021 - IntelliCAD 10
MicroSurvey CAD - Upgrade Tour 2021 - Simple Point Cloud Import
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Auto-Record
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - COGO: Rotate Translate Scale
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Area Calculation
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 – Overview
MicroSurvey Holiday Sale 2020
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Overview
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Stake Line By Points
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - COGO: Rotate Translate Scale
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - COGO: Quadrant Bearing Support
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Media Photo: Point and Project