Microsurvey Support group is for MicroSurvey users in the field and office. This group is for discussions and tutorials related to Microsurvey products. LSU is not directly affiliated with MS- all logos and imagery are copyright of their respective owners.
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MicroSurvey CAD - Upgrade Tour 2021 - IntelliCAD 10
MicroSurvey CAD - Upgrade Tour 2021 - Simple Point Cloud Import
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Auto-Record
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - COGO: Rotate Translate Scale
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Area Calculation
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 – Overview
MicroSurvey Holiday Sale 2020
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Overview
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Stake Line By Points
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - COGO: Rotate Translate Scale
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - COGO: Quadrant Bearing Support
FieldGenius for Android 1.7 - Media Photo: Point and Project