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Construction Surveying Group Forum is for Professional Land Surveyors who work in Construction Staking, Machine Control, and Construction Surveying in general. Add your tips, techniques and tricks here.

If you are new to the Construction Land Surveyors Group, please start by adding a discussion and introducing yourself to the community!

#Shorts Topcon RL 200 1S Laser Level
#shorts Leica Rugby 610
HP SitePrint Autonomous Layout Robot in use in Melbourne.
CR Kennedy & Bull Brothers – Partners in Geospatial Technology
Unitree Go2 Tutorial 15 - 3D Mapping
Unitree Go2 Tutorial 14 - AI Mode
Unitree Go2 Tutorial 13 - Leash Mode
Unitree Go2 Tutorial 12 - Advanced Mode
Unitree Go2 Tutorial 11 - Audio Player
Unitree Go2 Tutorial 10 - Programming Mode
Unitree Go2 Tutorial 9 - Connecting the Remote Control
Unitree Go2 Tutorial 8 - Perspective Switching