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Construction Surveying Group Forum is for Professional Land Surveyors who work in Construction Staking, Machine Control, and Construction Surveying in general. Add your tips, techniques and tricks here.

If you are new to the Construction Land Surveyors Group, please start by adding a discussion and introducing yourself to the community!

Leica Geosystems | Efficient Layout On-Site
How to Stakeout Lines and Arcs in Leica iCON Site V6.0
How to Create a Job in Leica iCON Site V6.0
HxGN SmartNet
How to Engage with Surface Models on Leica iCON MC1
C.R Kennedy | Opera Duo - Intuitive GPR for Utility Location and Mapping
How to Verify your Position over a Control point in Leica iCON Site V6.0
Leica Geosystems | Webinar - Speed and Collaboration with the BLK2GO
How to Search for Points in Advanced Mode in Leica iCON Site V6.0
Leica Geosystems | iCON 3D - Data Import
DJI Agras T30 - Cheaper, Safer, Faster