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Seeking Employment

Am I being Scamed ?


  • Recently I have sent a email to a job oportunity at Algeria. The company responded the email with a job oportunity in Cameroon, I sent the documents and answered the questions as a interviw as asked, and aparently got the job.


  • Here comes the thing:
  • The email was sent by a gmail not a company email.
  • Its required that I hadle the first month of housing, because I need a proof of accomodation for a visa, as they say.
  • They recomended a hotel to stay, but I cant find the hotel at google maps or any other site (, trip advisor, etc) ony at the hotel own website (

The company name is Long Yuan Construction.

I have contacted the HR of the company, via a official email at their website, but no response.


Sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my native language.

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  • Survey Legend

    If you are looking for Land Surveying Jobs in Algeria keep an eye on this page.   And if you want to reach out directly to other surveyors in Algeria to see if their company is hiring, you can do that through the Algeria Land Surveyors Hub.   hope this helps!

    Land Surveyor Jobs Board - Post Surveying Jobs / Find Jobs in Surveying
    🔥 Surveying Jobs Board Global hosted by Land Surveyors United Community. This is the first ever internationally crowdsourced Surveying Jobs Board. Yo…
  • Survey Legend

    Ill pass it on to the greater community and see what everyone thinks about it...

    • Seeking Employment

      thank you, the original job oportunity was ofund on the Jobs page (

      وظائف خالية و فرص عمل شاغرة
      وظائف خالية و فرص عمل ابحث عن وظائف شاغرة في السعودية و مصر الكويت الامارات قطر الاردن العراق سورية لبنان البحرين عُمان المغرب و ليبيا و ن…
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