Spot the Not

Surveying in the calvary that reminds us of Jesus crucifixion for our sins of which survey malpractice is surely one of them. Spot the not in the picture. Hint: they are the modern disciples of Jesus.
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  • Land Surveyor

    Amen, Keith.  There were plenty of Land Surveyors in the Bible.  It would not be surprising if somehow a Carpenter of the time could have the skills of an Architectural Surveyor, among other skills like walking on water and all the other cool stuff.

    -Scott D. Warner, R.L.S. 

  • Just like everyone you talk to has done some surveying in their lifetime, I wouldn't have a hard time believing Jesus not only knew Land Surveyors, He worked as one for a bit as well.
  • @Scott: hahahahaha!
  • Land Surveyor
    Nice photo!  I usually do not like it when a crowd of people gather around me when I am trying to get some work done, but these guys seem to be innocent bystanders who are assembling peacefully, and it's not every day that you get to hang out with Jesus.  I wonder if He knew any Land Surveyors?
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