Land Surveyor

Ask yourself the Following Questions

Are you a land surveyor who is passionate about your job? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a surveyor in another place? Do you think the general public truly understands the role of a professional land surveyors in society? Do you think that your value would increase if they did? Do you believe that we could benefit from learning more about the surface of the earth? Aside from surveyors, is there any other type of professional who can enhance the precision of Google Earth? Is it possible that a global community of surveyors might be able to recalculate earth's measurements? If this could occur, wouldn't all of the measurements need to be taken during a single day, simultaneously? If you have access to Survey Grade GPS Equipment and 10 minutes to spare at Noon on June 21st 2013, you can answer all of these questions and help change the public perspective of land surveyors. Join us as we Survey Earth in a Day, for a second time, as a community. You can participate from your location and it costs you nothing, but it could quite possibly change the world's perception of the surveying industry.
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