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The Best of Both Worlds - A Global Member Map mashed up with a Surveying Jobs Board!

I created something new for you the other night that I think will be a helpful tool for the community.    Several have told me that it is an innovative concept which could gain traction in the industry- the fusion of Land Surveyor Member Map with our surveying Jobs Boards.   Of course, we have had both for over a decade, but never together as one tool.  This mashup has the potential to unify the global surveying community, making it easier to connect professionals, find local opportunities, and facilitate career growth.

The Power of Member Maps

Land surveyors often work in isolation, which can hinder collaboration and knowledge sharing. Our member map is basically the only place on the internet where you can find over 21k land surveyors on the same map.  For almost 13 years, our member map has broght together surveyors on a single platform, creating a sense of community and camaraderie. By showcasing the geographical distribution of professionals, member maps highlight the reach and impact of the surveying industry. This fosters a sense of unity and collective purpose, encouraging collaboration and knowledge exchange.  But how is this useful other than visualizing the member population?  It isn't.  That is why we are combining the map with a Jobs Board.

Advantages of Integrating Jobs Boards

A traditional Jobs Board focuses solely on career opportunities, but when integrated with Member Maps, its potential is magnified. Here's how this fusion can revolutionize the land surveying industry:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: Member Maps provide a spatial representation of surveyors, making it easy for potential employers to locate skilled professionals in specific regions. When job listings are geotagged on these maps, employers gain a visual understanding of their potential talent pool, streamlining the recruitment process.

  2. Localized Opportunities: For land surveyors seeking employment, the integration of Jobs Boards with Member Maps enables them to explore local job openings easily. This localization ensures that opportunities are relevant to their location, eliminating the frustration of sifting through irrelevant job postings.

  3. Community Engagement: The synergy between Member Maps and Jobs Boards encourages community engagement. Land surveyors can interact, share insights, and collaborate on projects, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support. This interaction can also lead to mentorship opportunities, career advice, and partnerships.

  4. Tailored Networking: Professionals can use the integrated platform to connect with peers and potential employers, expanding their professional network. This networking feature is particularly valuable for young surveyors looking to establish themselves in the industry.

  5. Efficient Job Matching: Member Maps provide a wealth of information about each surveyor, such as their specialization, experience, and qualifications. This data can be used to create personalized job recommendations, ensuring a more accurate match between candidates and job openings.

  6. Streamlined Hiring Process: Employers can benefit from a streamlined hiring process by directly reaching out to qualified surveyors in their desired location. This reduces the time and effort spent on traditional recruitment methods and accelerates project commencement.

  7. Industry Insights: By analyzing the distribution of surveyors and job postings, industry trends and demand patterns can be identified. This data-driven insight can guide educational institutions, professional associations, and policymakers in making informed decisions.


Global Unification and Knowledge Exchange

The fusion of our Member Map and our Jobs Board for Surveyors transcends geographical boundaries, fostering a sense of global unity within the surveying community. Professionals from different regions can learn from each other's experiences, techniques, and best practices. This knowledge exchange not only enhances the skills of individual surveyors but also contributes to the advancement of the entire industry.  You can now use the new Land Surveyor Atlas to add yourself as a Surveyor Seeking employment - link to your LSU profile and embed your resume.   If you are an employer or recruiter looking to fill open positions, we hope the Atlas will come in handy for locating local talent.


How to Post a Job (or yourself) to the Atlas

Whether you are a Land Surveyor Seeking Employment or an Employer/ Recruiter posting an available position, a map based Jobs board is what we have been needing for so long.

First Step:  Add a Location

If you are a surveyor seeking employment, this will be your city or town

If you are an employer or reecruiter, this will be the address of your company


Second Step:  Add the details of the Listing

If you are a surveyor seeking employment, you can use this area to describe your experience in land surveying and be sure to link to your resume

If you are an employer or recruiter, you can use the description area to describe the position in great detail.  Be sure to categorize the post appropriately.




Third Step:  Add Ways for Responders to Get in Contact with You

You'll want to grab your profile URL here and place it inside this area.  

For those who are seeking employment, be sure to have your Resume embedded in your profile (instructions).

If you are an employer or recruiter, you can also add a link to your Company Directory Profile with more information on your company


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