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Wild Heerbrugg TC1 total station 1980

The Wild TC1 was developed in 1978 and was the first total station that measured distances coaxial (so through or rather around the telescope as the telescope consists of two concentric lenses, the outer one of which was used to measure distances, . Before the TC1 total stations measured the distance using separate optics above the telescope, causing distance errors when observing at steep vertical angles. Using a coaxial EDM meant the same point that was used to observe the vertical angle at was used to measure the slope distance to.As can be told by the logo on the side of the instrument the TC1 was a combined development of Wild Heerbrugg and Sercel, a well known manufacturer of various types of positioning systems as Syledis and high-end GPS receivers. Sercel has been responsible for various EDMs that were produced by Wild including the one on the TC1.1 Their cooperation was however not solely confined to EDMs, but also in other fields as aerial photogrammetry.AccuracyBeing an electronic total station the TC1 can be used in sexagesimal degrees (360 divisions in a full circle) and gon/grad mode (400 divisions in a full circle) by flipping a switch . The instrument has a compensator for the vertical circle and has an angular resolution of 3.24" (0.0011 gon) while the standard deviation of an observation in two faces is about 2" (0.0006 gon) horizontally and 3" (0.0010 gon) vertically.According to the specifications the distance measurements have an accuracy of 0.005m (up to 1400 metres with three prisms and 8 seconds measuring time) or 0.005 - 0.015mm (up to 2000 metres with three prisms and 15 seconds measuring time). Horizontal and vertical distances can automatically be calculated and are corrected for refraction (k=0.13) and ppm which can be set with a switch on the side of the instrument.Source:
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