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China CHC Post-Processing

Hello everyone.After I successfully used one of the China CHC DGPS (Dual-frequency chcx91 gps rtk) to acquired data.Processing the data seems very challenges for me because I am unable to installed the data processing software that came with it (Dual-frequency chcx91 gps rtk) on my computer running window 8.1Anyone who has successfully used it or have solution idea should help me out.Thanks!

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  • Land Surveyor
    Thank Nick.
    I will like to know the step-by-step procedures to installed the GNNS Solution (post-processing software) for China CHC DGPS.
    The software dongle came with the instrument but there is a problem when installing the software dongle to a computer with window 7, 8.1 to process acquired field data.

    Probably it seems there is driver for software dongle to be installed first before the software dongle could be successfully installed.

    I am a bit confused!

    If you have used the China CHC post-processing software before, please kindly explained how to go out the installation of the software dongle.

    • Land Surveyor

      Β u need to change ur data to rinex file so that gnss can process it

  • Just click on files
    click on export
    click on points
    maintain the Grid on the coordinte view
    Input the job name you created
    select one of the exported file type
    and click ok

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