10° F and 3' of snow!

Don't worry, I wasn't taking the shot ;)
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  • That's interesting, its a small world....I just got their from Southe Korea last fall. I worked on the temporary relocation projects, SIA and Mosses Lake for continued operations, while the runway is redone. It will be intersting to see whow far it has progressed when I get back this fall. - Justin

  • Definitely!  My first winter surveying (2008-2009), which also happened to be Spokane's record year for snowfall, I spent doing a topo of the Fairchild AFB runway...wish we could've gotten the staking for the new runway :(  Best wishes.  See you around.
  • Happy 4th to you too! I would have to agree that anything over 85 degress should be avoided. No problem, I really enjoy serving. My home duty station is currently Fairchild AFB, so see you around!

  • @Justin:  WOW!  I do not envy you!  I may survey in triple digits for a week out of the year.  Honestly, anything over about 85 degrees is too hot for my liking.  A belated happy Independance Day to you!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the incredibly difficult job you do to protect the rights and  freedoms that we enjoy each and every day!!!  God bless the USA and God bless our troops!

  • Dang that makes me jelous. I'm orginally from the Northern Midwest and am currently in Afghanistan surveying in 115 degree plus heat occasionaly with 75lb's of "battle" gear on. I cannot wait to survey in -10 and snow again!

  • Land Surveyor

    Kevin, nice to see that I am not the only Land Surveyor who wears showshoes and actually works outdoors in "thermally challenging" conditions.  Sometimes, here in Wisconsin, we need a shovel to find our mailbox at the curb.... surveyors in the upper peninsula of Michigan "the U.P." share the same environment and more frequently than Wisconsinites.  That's one thing that attracts snowshoeing and skiing enthusiasts to our States.  I don't usually feel like snowshoeing with my wife after doing it all day, but I do invite family here to share a good deep snow hike in the hills with me.

    -Scott D. Warner, R.L.S.

  • GEO Ambassador
    whoa that ain't no joke!
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