Survey Legend

surveying history

The history of map making Approx. 3,600 years ago III. Pharaoh Tuthmosis's time to rope attached distance measurement scene mural in the tomb of Menna survey supervisor. The first cartography BEGINNINGS The human environment of the earliest drawings to show the ancient mists, yet find signs all over the world. The Mediterranean Sea and science and culture in Europe in terms of the most important Mesopotamians and Egyptians. I Mesopotamia. e. 7000 i. e. Between 600 stylus clay tablets recording of their immortalized, their drawings, known for igáskocsit, a wooden block and téglaégetést, they could count and measure the area. A "map of the world" i. e. VI. century have survived. Egypt was a priest, and even the royal prerogative of measurements, and other astronomical orientations set a deal. MEASUREMENT served practical purposes: Because of the Nile floods destroyed the designation of land parcels, boundaries, slope conditions necessary for the establishment of irrigation. At the piramissírban where approx. Menna since last year 3600, "Ammon and the gods of the land boundary stones of overseer" rested, map surveying the scene (papyrus scroll, measuring wire rods and pins) found. The Egyptians dressed papirusznádra written in ink. The word "kharta" - from which comes our word is our cartography - was the name of papyrus fibers. Approx. I. e. From 1400 to parchment made from animal skin, then the panels were rajzhordozóik. 1up.gif - 280 Bytes 1right.gif - 266 Bytes
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