Land Surveyor

Leica TCR802 data upload

I know this is quite a long shot with some old equipment...Does anyone know how to upload a set of points (.CSV) to a Leica TCR802? I have Leica Geo Office on my laptop but it won’t let me transfer any projects or project data from the laptop to the instrument. I have a serial cable to transfer data – only internal memory on the TCR model.My skills are very limited using Geo Office and any help/tips will be greatly appreciated.Richard

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  •  Leica . Had software called TC Tools that is used for TS transfers for those models. Up and down loads.

    I do not know where you could find it . Leica may help.

  • Land Surveyor
    I usually open the. Csv file in covadis, then i create a LEICA POINTS file. Then i change the extension of the new file from . Txt to . GSI. Then with the help of the DATA EXCHANGE MANAGER of leica geo office i simply upload the file into the instrument (TCR800). Il take some time and it's done.
  • Land Surveyor

    try this link. its a pdf. see pages 156-157. I believe this works with the model you have. If not, call g360 (geomatics 360), in Zachary, LA. Ask for Don Biggs. He bleeds green (leica green). He can answer or get the answer for anything leica.

  • Land Surveyor

    I haven't used a Leica that old, but I remebmber having to buy a special chord to get the TCRP1100 to work with newer computers, because they do not see the serial port like older ones do, or in my case they didn't have one. You generally have to set up the baud rate and a few other settings to make it happen. You can download a copy of leica geo office tools at leica myworld. You can also try to covert it to an ASCII P,N,E,Z,D. You can do that in word. Good luck with it.

    Here is a good tutorial on the Leica Data Transfer utility. Copy and paste the whole link or it won't work.

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