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Circumferentor (aka "Surveyor's Compass)
Levels and Levelling in Surveying: A Comprehensive Guide
A Comprehensive Guide to Pacing for New Land Surveyors: Mastering the Fundamentals
Land Surveyors Dictionary
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Location Based Surveying Practices
Land Surveyors United is the world's FIRST Global Social Network for geospatial professionals. We have dedicated, geolocated support groups for practically every country, continent and state on earth, for you to utilize for building your personal network. We are all essentially concerned with the same issues, no matter where we are located on earth. However, surveying practices and methods vary depending on the geographic location where we work. If you have noticed similarities and differences between the conditions, laws and practices between two or more areas of the world,discuss it in this forum. Build your reputation online by posting relevant discussions in your local group below.
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Use the Advanced Search to find other Land Surveyors who share your interests, working in same location or work in same type of land surveying. Also see the Global Surveyors Map to see distribution of members around the world.
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Global Surveyor Map (members)
United States | India | UK | Ghana | Australia | Brazil | Mexico
Use the Advanced Search to find other Land Surveyors who share your interests, working in same location or work in same type of land surveying. Also see the Global Surveyors Map to see distribution of members around the world.
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Global Surveyor Map (members)
Circumferentor (aka "Surveyor's Compass)
Levels and Levelling in Surveying: A Comprehensive Guide
Tools Used in Surveying
Instruments used in surveying include:
- Alidade
- Alidadeā table
- Cosmolabe
- Dioptra
- Dumpyā level
- Engineer'sā chain
- Graphometer
- Gromaā (surveying)
- Laserā scanning
- Levelā staff
- Measuringā tape
- Planeā table
- Poleā (surveying)
- Prismā (surveying) (corner cube retroreflector)
- Prismaticā compass (angle measurement)
- Ramsdenā surveyingā instruments
- Rangingā rod
- Surveyor'sā chain
- Tachymeterā (surveying)
- Tapeā (surveying)
- Theodolite
- Halfā theodolite
- Plainā theodolite
- Simpleā theodolite
- Greatā theodolite
- Non-transitā theodolite
- Transitā theodolite
- Secondsā theodolite
- Electronicā theodolite
- Miningā theodolite
- Suspensionā theodolite
- Travelingā theodolite
- Pibalā theodolite
- Registeringā theodolite
- Gyro-theodolite
- Constructionā theodolite
- Photo-theodolite
- Roboticā theodolite
- Vernierā theodolite
- Totalā station
- Transitā (surveying)
- Tripodā (surveying)
- Universalā instrumentā (surveying)
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